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The Centre for Polish Language in Warsaw - Polish courses for foreigners. Eg business, finance, banking and law language and courses for interpreters and translators. For adults in small groups. A Polish course for children. Preparatory courses for state certification exams. In Polish as a foreign language. At all levels, including business and politics language courses. For day-to-day and professional use.
Ukratko o tecajevima stranih jezika.
Skip to main page content. Special Issue on Justice-Involved Veterans. Published quarterly, is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal committed to the study of criminal justice policy through quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methodological approaches.
Zespół Centrum Jana Pawła II. Statut Centrum Jana Pawła II. III Lubelski Festiwal Chórów Parafialnych. Koncert Artyści lubelscy w hołdzie Janowi Pawłowi II. Fundusz Stypendialny Świadkowie Bożego Piękna. Festyn Rodzinny - Koncert Gospel Rain. Uroczysta Inauguracja Roku Świętego Jana Pawła II. Pomóż stać się Świadkiem Bożego Piękna.
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